31 August 2017

This is a blog that will be  reprinting and discussing  Dailystomer articles written by several individuals, but also primarily those of  Andrew Anglin  who is currently under  internet attack in what I call, borrowing from Andrew Anglin,

 "the Great Shuttening of the Internet".

While people can and will and do disagree with the political views expressed by the now silenced original  site, it  has been struggling to continue it's existence outside the normal domains of the internet, and as such, there is absolutely a case to argue for defending the site on First Amendment ground, as well as ethical grounds that cover global concepts of free speech..

Silencing is the first step to oppression.  Leftists know this, they complain about it and rant about it. And, they have been having this tantrum for years.

It's a clear case of "Free Speech for Me, but none for Thee"

And this hypocrisy is what I will be discussing in this blog, and future postings.

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