01 September 2017

The (((Shuttening))) Expands to Destroy Individual Lives


[the internet id of  Andrew Auernheimer, who is also a co author, along with Andrew Anglin, of the Dailystorner website, now found on an onion site]

is experiencing drama around his banking services.

Not because he has no money nor income - but simply because he --- along with Andrew Anglin -- have managed to anger the Jews.  Because he is apparently, as they call him, a "Neo-Nazi"

weev is not a neo anything.  He is a straight up Nationalsocialist.

I'm pretty sure it's illegal for American banks to refuse services on the basis of one's political affiliations [something to do with FDIC insurance].

But, European banks tend to be more jewishy and anal about whatever it is they deem in the moment  as "hate speech"

 Judging from the video released today, weev continues to retain his boyish sense of humor and buoyant outlaw attitude. thank God.  Because the days are coming when anyone who doesn't toe the line on the internet -- and "We" the public, the sundry users of the internet do not decide what that line is, or where it's drawn - something that changes on the whim of a corporate few - from day to day.

If these corporate entities were to actually draw up a rule book, defining their stance on "hate speech", why they would definitely be hauled into court for all sorts of First Amendment and other types of violations -- which is why the term "hate speech" remains flexible, ever changing.

These globalist gangsters do not want to have to explain themselves, ever.

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