12 September 2017

As Public Increasingly Disgusted with Hillary Clinton, She Quadruples Down on Kook Russian Theories

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 12, 2017

I’m surprised someone from the Democratic establishment hasn’t put some kind of pressure on Hillary to get her to go away.

It is so good for us to have her out there making these deranged scene.

Not just good for the right, but specifically good for misogynists. Never again is anyone going to feel comfortable having a woman as the head of a political organization. They are just too incapable of handling difficult emotions.

Washington Post:
Hillary Clinton has made little secret that she blames lots and lots of things not named Hillary Clinton for her 2016 loss. And amid a publicity tour for her just-released book — in which she re-litigates many of them — she just made her most serious claim to date. USA Today’s Susan Page, in an interview published late Monday night, asked Clinton whether she thought Trump associates colluded with Russia. And Clinton broke with many in her party by offering a pretty unvarnished answer in the affirmative.
“There certainly was communication, and there certainly was an understanding of some sort,” Clinton says at first, choosing her words carefully.
Page writes that she pressed further, asking directly about whether Trump associates colluded with Russia.
“I’m convinced of it,” Clinton said.
As is often the case with Clinton, she seemed to want to not-quite-say what she was actually saying. She talked about Trump’s ties to Russian money and the fact that Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to win. She talked about how those close to Trump “worked really hard to hide their connections with Russians.” She even punctuated all of this by saying, “I happen to believe in the rule of law and believe in evidence, so I’m not going to go off and make all kinds of outrageous claims.”
But that is a significant claim, and a bolder one than most Democrats have made thus far about collusion.

Because nothing could ever be her fault.

  That is the mind of a woman. It is a woman’s natural state:  disbelief in the possibility that she could ever be wrong about anything.

Women also do not have fact-based thought-structures, so confrontation with facts does not have an effect on their perception of reality.

These reasons among many other reasons is why no one - ever in the entire arch of human history - ever thought it was a good idea for a woman to rule anything.

As she goes nuts humiliating herself in public, the public is becoming increasingly disgusted and disillusioned with her.

Rasmussen Reports:
61% Say It’s Time for Hillary Clinton To Retire Hillary Clinton is back today with a new book, “What Happened,” to further explain why Donald Trump is president instead of her. But most voters still don’t buy her excuses and think it’s time for her to step off the national stage.
The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on September 10-11, 2017 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

And those would probably mostly be Democrats.
  I certainly don’t want her to retire.

I want her to keep doing exactly what she’s doing.

And I think I am going to buy the book.  I was conflicted on it. Because I’m really interested to see what it says, but then I was like “I’m not giving this bitch my money.”

But THEN I was like,  “well, actually, if the book sells well that will keep her on the national stage longer, so by contributing to the book’s sales, I’m actually helping further destroy the Democrat party.”

The hardcover is only $17.99

I went ahead and ordered it.
  What we really need to do is get Chelsea in the Senate or as Mayor of New York or something.
We need to keep the Clintons as the face of the Democrat party.

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