02 September 2017

President Trump To Kike DACA, Finally. Finally

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 1, 2017

After months of back and forth, it appears that Trump is finally ready to kike the hopes and D-R-E-A-M-S of a bunch of invasive tacopeople.
Fingers crossed.
It hasn’t happened yet.
President Trump, as early as Friday, is expected to announce plans to end the Obama administration program that gave a deportation reprieve to hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants, a senior administration official told Fox News.Trump promised to terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, during the presidential campaign – but since taking office had left the door open to preserving parts of it.
According to the official, Trump is expected to announce the program’s end but will allow so-called “dreamers” currently in the program to stay in the U.S. until their work permits expire – which, for some, could be as long as two years.
The White House suggested Thursday afternoon, though, that Trump has yet to give the final sign-off. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters at the daily briefing the program is still “under review.”
“A final decision on that front has not been made, and when it is, we will certainly inform everybody in this room,” she said.
The program was formed through executive order by then-President Barack Obama in 2012 and allows for certain people who came to the U.S. illegally as minors to be protected from immediate deportation.
Recipients are able to request “consideration of deferred action” for a period of two years which is subject to renewal.

These people hate our country.
They are here as conquerors, not as contributors.
You see them out there with their Mexican flags announcing that they’re taking the country over.

There is zero reason that anyone should think that their presence here is acceptable. The concept is inexplicable.

Aryan Princesses are of course vowing to take revenge on Trump if he moves against their precious pets.

Women:  number one protectors of filthy invasive genetic waste products since August 18, 1920


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