06 September 2017

Silly Hoax AGAIN: British Soldiers Arrested for Supposed “Nazi Terrorism” for Being in National Action!

Daily Stormer
September 6, 2017
Andrew Anglin
“Terrorist” is now defined as “any heterosexual white male who refuses to apologize for having been born.”
This raid was barbaric. Like something that would be done in Mexico or an Arab country following a revolution.
It is clear that its only purpose was to make Donald Trump look like an impotent whelp who is incapable of controlling the government that he is the executive head of.
The raiders know there is no Russian conspiracy, and anyone knows that if there was there wouldn’t be a bunch of secret documents about it in the fucking embassy. shows US law enforcers “behaving like raiders” while carrying out “unknown activities” in the Russian Consulate in San Francisco, which was forced to close last week.
“Representatives of the US law enforcement agencies conduct unknown activities on the territory of the Russian Consulate General in San Francisco. They mutilate expensive parquet and do work without permission. 
Most importantly, nobody knows who these people are, who behave like raiders,” the Russian Foreign Ministry wrote on Facebook on Wednesday. The 60-second long video gathered nearly 20,000 views within hours after being posted on Facebook.
Serving British soldiers are among those arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences as alleged members of the neo-Nazi group National Action.
The accused – a 22-year-old from Birmingham, a 32-year-old man from Powys, a 24-year-old from Ipswich and a 24-year-old from Northampton – were held on Tuesday by the West Midlands police, who say they have been arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences.
“We can confirm that a number of serving members of the Army have been arrested under the Terrorism Act for being associated with a proscribed far right group,” an Army spokesperson said.
“These arrests are the consequence of a Home Office Police Force led operation supported by the Army. This is now the subject of a civilian police investigation and it would be inappropriate to comment further.”
The men were arrested by police with the collaboration of counter-terrorism units from the West Midlands, Wales and the East Midlands.
A police spokesman said they “have been arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the commission, preparation and instigation of acts of terrorism under Section 41 of the Terrorism Act 2000; namely on suspicion of being a member of a proscribed organization (National Action) contrary to sec 11 of the Terrorism Act.”
“The arrests were pre-planned and intelligence-led; there was no threat to the public’s safety,” a police spokesman added.
National Action became the first far-right extremist group to be proscribed last year in the UK.

Now they’re being charged as terrorists, without even anything to do with violence – simply because they supposedly belong to a banned group.
And this is in the wake of Charlottesville. In a different country.  This is the biggest crackdown in all of history.
It is going to expand and expand and expand.
The system realizes that it has lost the debate. They have gamed this out where if we are not shut down, we win.
Well, guess what, kikes: we’re winning either way.  You cannot arrest an idea with trumped-up fake terror charges.

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