14 September 2017

THE DAILY STORMER : If Trump Gives Amnesty to DACA Babies, Turning His Base Against Him will be Simple

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2017

So, weird happenings with DACA.   Last night, the Democrats announced that they had struck a deal to keep the bloodsucking DACA babies.

Then this morning Trump announced that wasn’t true.

The good and bad news here - sort of maybe - is that this will be the end of the Trump Presidency.
His entire base will revolt against him. The whole thing will collapse.

The good part of that is that it would be a clean break  -  no more questions about where anyone stands.  Trump is clearly being blackmailed and threatened and manipulated and whatever else - but that ultimately makes no difference when it comes to the facts of reality, which is that either he does what he said he was going to do or he does not.

The bad part, of course, is that we actually believed Trump was going to do at least some of what he said -  amnesty negates everything, because these people are going to vote anti-white and we will never have a country again. At least not without bloodshed.

If the DACA bloodsuckers get amnesty, there will be no more claims of 4D chess.

Because we all know that  DACA  amnesty is just the first step in a larger amnesty program, which will reshape the face of America completely.

However, another good part is that it would cause the Alt-Right to explode in popularity. We would be the only game in town.   The Alt-Lite  media has tied itself directly to  Trump to such an extent that they have no identity independent of him.

This is why Alex Jones has been reduced to claiming that Trump is being secretly drugged without his knowledge  (but Jones knows about it).

So it’s a very weird moment right now.   I’m not sure what will happen next, but either way, it will probably be weird.  I can’t imagine that Trump was “testing the waters” - he already knew what these waters were.

If DACA stays, the show is over. In a whole bunch of different ways.

But then: a new show will begin.  The momentum is all there.

Ionwhite Comment:  Keep your promises Mr. Trump, or it's Bye Bye Base:

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