13 September 2017

THE DAILY STORMER: The Jewish Narrative for the Goyim: 2013-2017

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 13, 2017

The Daily Stormer was founded in 2013.

We have watched and we have documented the transformation of the Jewish narrative over that period.

2013: You’re insane, goyim. No one is trying to replace you.
2014: It’s just a little
2015:White genocide”?  Haha. Goyim, you loco. It’s just demographic trends. You’re not having enough babies so others are filling the gap.
2016:  A browner America will be a more peaceful one. More free of hate. Race doesn’t exist anyway. You need them to pay your pensions.
2017: Just fucking die, you white filth.

In 2018, I can only imagine that they are literally going to start killing us.
The rhetoric can’t be ramped-up any further.

We’ve seen this with the “punch a Nazi” campaign: the normalization of violence against whites (particularly those who don’t apologize for being white, i.e. “Nazis”).

The New York Times celebrated “punch a Nazi.”  All of these Jews did. And they all celebrated Antifa, which went a lot further than punching Nazis,  actually throwing feces on and smashing the skulls of these Nazis.

 Meet the Press brought a guy on to explain that Nazis had to be silenced through physical violence.

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